Sedation Dentistry - Bloomington, MN

Soothing, Safe Dental Services

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Sedation Dentistry Alleviates Dental Fears

We understand that for millions of adults, visiting the dentist can be an overwhelming or frightening experience due to dental anxiety. This may be related to a bad past experience, difficulty sitting still, tooth sensitivity, a strong gag reflex, or the need for extensive treatment. If worrying about a dental procedure has prevented you from getting the oral care you deserve, you’ve come to the right place. Our compassionate dentist Dr. Avi Matha provides sedation dentistry in Bloomington, MN that helps alleviate fears so you can get the dental treatment you need. Coupled with a soothing, spa-like setting, our team is committed to delivering a truly comfortable experience with customized sedation services based on your personal needs and the procedure being done.
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Dental Sedation Has Many Benefits

Personalized Sedation Options

We offer sedation dentistry for both pediatric and adult patients. During your consultation, our no fear dentist in Bloomington, MN will discuss your anxieties and make recommendations for ideal types of sedation to consider. Dr. Matha is trained in administering these services and works with a specialized dental anesthesiologist when IV sedation is needed.
Sedation Dentistry

Nitrous Oxide

This mild sedative is safe and effective for patients of all ages. It’s used in combination with local anesthetic that numbs the treatment site, for example when we fill cavities. You breathe in normally while nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen is filtered through a mask that fits comfortably over your nose. Levels are continuously adjusted throughout your procedure to ensure you feel relaxed the entire time.
oral sedation

Oral Sedation

Anti-anxiety medication is taken a few hours before your appointment to put you in a calm state. While the effects last, you’ll feel comfortable and relaxed without worrying about the procedure you’re undergoing, such as a root canal. Since the effects of oral medication can last past your appointment, it’s advised that you have someone drive you home afterward.
IV sedation

IV Sedation

Sometimes called sleep dentistry, IV sedation is the only one that lets you “sleep” comfortably through your appointment. With IV sedation dentistry in Bloomington, MN we’ll help you experience stress and pain-free treatments including smile makeovers and dental implants. You’ll be carefully monitored during treatment and afterwards to ensure the sedation wears off as it should. You’ll need to have someone drive you home and may feel slightly sluggish for the remainder of the day.

Suffering from dental anxiety?

Scheduling an appointment is the first step to soothing dental care.


Our office is in-network with all major insurance providers. Please bring your insurance card to each appointment so we can make sure your information is as up-to-date as possible. If you do not find your insurance provider here; please call at (952) 208-6718 for clarity.