What Happens To Teeth Under Veneers?

Checking the right match of Dental Veneers

Once veneers are applied, your natural teeth undergo a significant transformation. This cosmetic dentistry procedure aims to enhance the appearance of your smile by improving the color, shape, size, or length of your teeth. Underneath those meticulously crafted veneers, your natural teeth continue to exist. The process of applying veneers involves the removal of a small layer of enamel from the front surface of your teeth to ensure a proper fit and alignment of the veneers. While this might sound invasive, it’s a crucial step to creating a seamless and natural-looking smile.

Preparing Teeth For Veneers

The journey to a flawless smile begins with the preparation of your teeth for veneers. This process involves the removal of a thin layer of enamel from the front of your teeth, usually equal to the thickness of the veneer that will be applied. Enamel removal is essential for a few reasons:

Ensuring a Proper Fit:

Removing a small layer of enamel allows the veneers to bond securely to the teeth, creating a natural and comfortable fit. This step is crucial for the longevity and stability of the veneers.

Avoiding Bulky Appearance:

Without enamel removal, the veneers might appear bulky or unnatural. By making room for the veneers, the dentist ensures seamless integration with the rest of your teeth.

Enhancing Adhesion:

Enamel removal improves the bonding strength between your natural teeth and the veneers. This is vital for the veneers to withstand the daily wear and tear of regular activities like chewing and speaking.

While the enamel removal is a delicate process, it is typically painless, as dentists often use local anesthesia to ensure your comfort during the procedure.

Effect on Teeth Underlying Veneers

Checking the right match of Dental Veneers
Once the veneers are in place, the underlying teeth experience a protective layer that shields them from external elements. Veneers are durable and stain-resistant, offering a level of protection for your natural teeth. However, it’s important to note that veneers are not invincible.

The underlying teeth are still susceptible to issues such as decay and gum disease if proper oral hygiene is not maintained. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups remain essential, even with veneers. Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to complications that may compromise the longevity of both the veneers and the natural teeth underneath.

Can You Get Cavities Under Veneers?

While veneers provide an extra layer of protection, they do not make your teeth cavity-proof. The margins where the veneers meet your natural teeth can be vulnerable to bacterial infiltration if proper oral care is neglected. This is why maintaining good oral hygiene practices is crucial, even with veneers.

Regular dental check-ups are essential to ensure the integrity of both the veneers and the underlying teeth. Dentists can identify early signs of issues and provide appropriate interventions to prevent cavities and other dental problems.


If you are missing most or all of your natural teeth, there are a few options for tooth replacement. If you have questions, the team at Normandale Dental will be happy to answer them. Below are some of the most common questions that we’ve gotten about tooth replacement options:

Of course, your teeth can be perfectly fine when you get the veneers, and then shift later. If this happens, then wearing a plastic retainer over your veneers can address the problem. To get fitted for a retainer, you will need to get a new set of impressions done for your teeth.
Underneath your veneers, your natural teeth can look slightly smaller as your dentist may remove a small layer of enamel to help some veneers fit comfortably in your mouth.
However, once you have veneers, it is not possible to go back to your natural teeth. This is because a small amount of enamel is removed from the teeth to make room for the veneers. While they can be removed, your teeth will look different without them and may be weaker and more sensitive.


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